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"The Master Algorithm" by Domingos is an interesting look into the quest for artificial general intelligence in the form of a simple universal agent.  While the book can take some large leaps at times it very informative.  It is also a look into the ideas of one of the most important minds in computer science today.  His thoughts on the subject as well as where AI may go in the future are intriguing to say the least.  His breakdown of the "Five tribes" of artificial intelligence are some of the best parts of the book and this blog post will be focusing on that part of the book.  Since I could never summarize this book as well as Domingos himself I have attached below a video of him doing just that.  Above you will find tabs for each one of the five "tribes" with a short explanation as well as a video from each one of the members of the tribes.  Some of the videos are not directly applicable to the subject matter on the book but since the book is so broad I decided to take that liberty as well and provide the videos I found most interesting from a member of each tribe.  Thank you for your time and I hope you find the subject matter as illuminating as I did.

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